Strong Successful Male
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Welcome to Strong Successful Male!

I help men improve their lives and reach their full potential by covering the following topics: Self Improvement, Success, Purpose, Goal Setting, Pick Up, Dating, Attraction, Health, Fitness and more. I also cover news articles and encourage open discussion to help bring awareness to men on the issues of the day.
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August 06, 2024

I just paid $30 for a subscription. Why is there no content on here? Am I missing something or did I just get scammed.

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Announcing New YouTube Channel - "THEY DID WHAT?!"

As a perk of your Locals membership, you are the first to hear that my new You Tube channel "THEY DID WHAT?!" just went live. This new channel is dedicated to the craziest stories on the internet. I hope you'll click below to subscribe to the new channel and check out my first videos.

Thanks, SSM

Boats...but no hoes.

Piloting the SS Patriarchy.


The grind never stops...even on vacation. Hitting the gym then off to a relaxing day at the pool and beach. So far Fort Lauderdale & Boca have not disappointed!

May 20, 2024

Dear SSM:

I discovered your YouTube channels a few months ago, and have now watched many of your entertaining and informative videos. Thank you for the valuable service you provide to all men, especially to the younger ones, who need it most.

I’m writing to share my own long-term story and life experiences that illustrate how so many of the maxims you espouse hold true in real life, and have done for decades, at least. But, I have a somewhat different perspective than you, and provide my story in the hope that others may learn from my mistakes, and successes, and perhaps to provide a little hope to others about how nice guys don’t always finish last. My story illustrates that the problems you focus on were not created by the internet, but were definitely made worse by it. Ultimately, this is a love story, but not necessarily the kind of love story we commonly think of. And, I promise that it has a happy ending. I call it: “Nice Guys Don’t Always Finish Last,” but if you choose to share it, ...

May 20, 2024

By that time, I had learned where Angela lived with her parents, but it was a lot closer to a different high school than the one she told me she went to. When I asked her about that, she explained that she had been attending the closer high school, where all her older sisters had gone, but that some evil boys had started a vicious rumor about her there and she decided to transfer to the other high school. Yup, another red flag that I ignored. One doesn’t get past a viscous false rumor by running away from it!

During another conversation before the end of that summer, which involves something that will turn out to be important later, she told me about her next-door neighbors who had a Downs Syndrome son, who she sometimes babysat for, and asked me what I would do if we ever had a child with a serious disability like that. I immediately responded, “Love him.” She then asked, “You wouldn’t want to put him up for adoption?” And, continued with “I don’t know if I could raise a child...

May 20, 2024

In mid-December, I took Angela to her high school winter formal, and as we were sitting outside her parents’ house afterward in the car I had borrowed from my roommate for the evening, and doing a bit more than just talking, before I walked her to the door to say “goodnight,” she asked me what my fantasy was. I knew that she meant sexual fantasy, and I responded that it probably involved taking a hot bath with the woman I loved. A few days later, she arranged to come over to my apartment to spend some time with me. As our winter break had just started, none of my roommates was there at the time. Shortly after Angela arrived, she excused herself to go to the bathroom and asked me to wait for her to finish. Not suspecting anything, I said “Sure, I’m not going anywhere,” and waited. A few minutes later, I started hearing the sound of running water, and Angela cracked open the bathroom door, stuck her head out, and motioned for me to come in. As I went in, I could see that she’d ...

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